
Uses of artificial turf for making your lawn elegant and fungal-free

Uses of artificial turf for making your lawn elegant and fungal-free

The natural lawn is prone to a variety of illnesses and other problems, which may change your yard from a beautiful landscape feature to an unpleasant and irritating challenge. Some plant diseases are unlikely to be an issue in Albury Wodonga since they do not affect all types of grass.

Nonetheless, there is a vast list of items that can make your lawn sick. Fortunately, installing artificial grass might help you avoid all of these problems. This article will make you understand the issues of natural grass and how artificial turf can be a solution.

If you have already decided to install artificial grass for your lawn, Executive Garden Scapes is the best place to find synthetic turf specialists in Albury Wodonga. Contact us to know more.


General turf grass problems

➢   A brown patch primarily affects cold-season grass, especially at the beginning of summer when night-time temperatures are close to 15-20 degrees. It can spoil your lawn before you even notice the brown spots.

➢  Pythium blight, also called cottony blight, may be classified as a form of water mould (actually various types) that thrives in humid circumstances (poor air circulation, drainage, and damp, gloomy spots). The first signs of the disease are water-soaked dark green to purple leaves that form circular or irregular spots in turf grass swards.

➢  You may have noticed pink or grey snow mould if you are residing in a snowy mountainous region. Generally, during winter, you will notice watery-looking spots with reddish (or sometimes grey) margins. The spots turn brown when the surroundings dry out. Pink snow moulds are more damaging than grey snow moulds.

➢  Powdery mildew: This fungal disease is seen mainly in other outdoor plants — particularly if the plant is in the shade, but powdery mildew can also affect natural grass laid in shady regions.

➢  Rust is spread by spores from infected plants to healthy plants. If an adjacent garden has infected plants, it might also affect the grass blades. Rust commonly develops in the winter when the weather is wet and chilly.

➢  Slime mould grows when the environment is humid and wet. Although it does not affect your grass, it is just awful to look at.

Most of these plant diseases are due to some fungal infection. On the other hand, your grass could be diseased for other various reasons too.

Avoid all these troubles simply by installing artificial turf. Reach out to Executive Garden Scapes for the best artificial turf installation in Albury Wodonga.


Turf grass damage: Non-fungal reasons

➢   Red threads: Usually appears as pink strands (sometimes red) on the blades. It does not affect the grass health. However, it is an indication the grass needs fertiliser.

➢  Fairy rings are mushroom infestations that grow in a semi-circular or round pattern and can grow up to 20 feet in diameter if left untreated. You can only notice the mushrooms, and your grass turns into a dark green shade or forms some dry patches in that spot.

➢   Nematodes are tiny worm-like parasites that survive in the dirt. These worms can degrade your grassroots leading to yellowing, wilting or dead spots.

➢  White grubs, which eat the roots right beneath the soil level, are much prevalent in lawns. These garden grubs are larvae of several kinds of chafing insects and beetles.

➢  Armyworms and sod webworms can also destroy your lawn turf.

➢  Moreover, your grass may also get wrecked if your pet digs it up or uses it as their toilet.


So, what is the solution to all these problems?

Chemicals are used chiefly to solve these lawn diseases. Symptoms of these diseases may resemble those affected by under or over-watering, dietary imbalance, and other factors. So, before you try to treat whatever ails your natural turf, you will need a correct diagnosis. In some circumstances, you may have to carry out soil analysis. Fungicides are generally highly effective in eradicating the above-mentioned fungal diseases. Although application and timing could be challenging, you might need to apply many times. Insecticides can be used to get rid of whiteflies, grubs, and other insects.

If the issue is nutritional, fertilisers can help fight diseases and also equip the grass to fight them off. Long grasses, piled leaves, and rubbles give an ideal surrounding for microbial growth, which is frequently caused by improper winterising techniques. Late-season clean-up and mowing are required for prevention.


Artificial turf is the best solution

Installing artificial grass takes all mentioned grass diseases out of the equation. It does not provide suitable living conditions for the microbes to grow. Therefore, you do not have to frequently spray harmful pesticides that can be dangerous to your children, pets, and environment. The artificial grass is allergen-free, pet-proof, and non-toxic. So, switch to artificial turf today to save up time and cost of turf maintenance.

Want to install artificial turf on your lawn? Executive Garden Scapes is the best place to reach out for artificial turf installation in Albury Wodonga.

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We specialise in both hard and soft landscaping to all homes or commercial projects of all sizes. All our team are fully qualified and have an abundance of knowledge and years of experience to bring about smooth transition from design stage to completion of your project.

Contact us today so we can help you renovate or construct you dream garden!
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